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Sunday, May 30, 2010

"Music in the Heart of Noise"

The heat wave that brought us record high temperatures is moving off (well, it'll still be warm tomorrow) and the windows around the house are all open to let the air circulate and moderate the heat.

Spring has been here long enough - the birds that migrated back to Canada a few weeks ago have had their share of chicks to feed and nurture. The greenbelt that my window faces has now become a small sanctuary, and with the recent warm weather and plenty of food, it's time for the young birds to explore the neighbourhood and to share their repertoire of songs and chirps to all those around them. Or offer their services as an early alarm clock.

This morning, I awoke to what seemed to a clash of birdsong, with what sounded like dozens of birds chirping at the top of their lungs (well technically, their syrinx). My first thought was... ughh - either it's some huge bird war, or a fight against an invading stray cat or something. But the dissonance and discord among melodies and seeming harmonies gave me the impression that instead, the birds were rehearsing something arranged by Stravinsky.

Though the birds did quiet down eventually, there's essentially a neverending chorus of birdsong from dawn till the sun goes down. Not that this is a bad thing. Apart from bird wars, the sound of bird calls remind us that we still live with nature - and we are a part of nature. And instead of demanding peace and quiet, we can join them in making music.

And so with the windows wide open, I started to play the piano (one of the beauties of home). 
I love the feel of the piano - it's like holding music in your hands and shaping the tones to the style you want. I took out my binders of sheet music and began playing.

My audience? Well, my family (perhaps minus my sister as she would rather listen to her iThing) would naturally hear the music as the sound carried throughout the house. Casper's probably listening in as he sits on the top of my shelf. I also play for the birds just outside the window and through the greenbelt, and the sound also reaches the occasional dog-walker taking their pet outside and through the walkway that runs by the house.

Some Beethoven. Beatles music. The pieces I'm learning at the moment to accompany a friend for his exam. More specifically, Camille Saint Saens. Sheet music for Bohemian Rhapsody. Attempted Chopin.

By the end of my piano session, I wanted to give the birds a bit of a treat - something that would rarely hear. They would probably come across Bach or Chopin at some outdoor concert at the Toronto Music Garden. And the Beatles are playing all the time in public. But how often do these birds get to listen to Christmas Classics in Canada? They always migrate before we sing carols. =/. So perhaps to the confusion of a couple dog-walkers, I ran through my book of Holiday Music. Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!

And now that the sun is back down, it's late, and I'm back in my room and typing away.

So I'll leave you with a song, Summertime. I came across this piece by Gershwin while flipping through piano books this afternoon. Recorded this evening. With my camera phone and that cheap computer mic I've been vowing to replace since last year. Oh well. Yeah for sepia to fix up the mood. =).

Lyrics to think about:

One of these mornings

You're going to rise up singing
Then you'll spread your wings
And you'll take to the sky

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